SEO MelbourneSEO Melbourne

Is only technical SEO enough for the website rankings? Nah! Contents – engaging, informative, unique, and high-quality contents are weapons while planning an SEO strategy. According to experienced seo Melbourne Company, experts & content writers prefer to bound SEO strategies with blog posts, articles, infographics, and sometimes video to transform the information to visitors.

In between these all sort of contents, podcasts get overlooked. The fact is, Podcasts can help you build a brand and drive traffic as effectively as any kind of contents do with your website.

Today, an SEO Company Melbourne bring up an informative guide for those SEO companies that haven’t tried functioning with podcasts to level up their client’s online business. So whether you are a start-up for podcasting or have a little knowledge of it, here is a fresh guideline for you!

  1. There’s Much More In The Title

It’s important to think about how people will go to find your podcast on Google Play or on any other app. There is much more to do with the title part. You should include the most important keywords in your podcasts to make it worth it. If your podcast is already established, you can add subtitle. The title of your podcast should be something that you can be proud of. However, while you include keywords in the title or subtitle, you should not try to stuff author tags with keywords because it will not work.

Keep it simple and straight while you plan the title of your first podcast that pop up with relevant search queries.

  1. RSS Feed Optimization

The average user doesn’t use RSS as much as they were in the past. RSS feed usually indicates your podcast is on Google Play Music and many other famous podcast platforms. However, your RSS feed is what people subscribe while they are going to subscribe to your podcast on any other platform. Your feed is also helpful to broadcast your information to different platforms. Thus, whenever you want to update your podcast’s title or description, you need to update in your RSS feed.

  1. Refresh Your Content

Take existing content and transform it into another piece. However, this is a great way to leverage certain resources that have helped you increase the authority and improving the rankings. Just pick the content from your podcast and convert it into blog posts, articles, videos, or any other sort of contents to add value.

  1. Ensure For The Podcast For Link Building

One more effective way for podcasting is through strategizing links. If you have interesting podcast content then it may attract links on its own but still, there are other many links that you can leverage. Another way to increase your traffic is to look for podcast guests that have a deep interest in promoting the podcast episodes as through it you can dig out business benefits.

SEO Company Melbourne

Summing Up!

The podcast is still new to many seo Melbourne companies but if you want to walk with the trend, it’s the right option to start stepping into the digital world.

