Email Marketing MelbourneEmail Marketing Melbourne

Earning good out of your business gets a bit difficult each year. This isn’t only impacting widely spread businesses but small businesses too. Small businesses have a limited source of marketing. They too have to strategize in a certain portion of the budget. In this between, understanding online marketing and adopting email marketing Melbourne is quite daunting.

As an online business owner, your complete focus on acquiring valuable website traffic. And if you haven’t included email for the traffic purpose, you may miss a valuable chance to get success.

However, email marketing can significantly help your business to grow.

A PPC Agency Melbourne denotes, “your online store can generate more efficient traffic by using emails for marketing.”Consider these reasons on why to choose email for website traffic rather than regular traffic.

  • You Can Connect More Mobile Customers

There is significant growth in the percentage of people who use smartphones each day. It’s been reported that the usage of smartphones will reach 3.8 billion globally until 2021.

Thusly, email marketing definitely works to bring more traffic to your online website. A research of 2019 denotes, around 60% of email get operated with using mobile phones. Money-saving thing is, this type of services will not charge lots of money unlike other SMS services and social media apps.

More than that, it also supports your business to access customers using other types of mobile devices like tablets.

  • Usually, Customers Prefer Emails

Email marketing is powerful as users favour emails. There are lots of small businesses that run marketing campaigns with a limited budget. They could never afford in experimenting budget on marketing tactics. However, social media is a common channel for businesses to communicate with brands and clients to achieve organic traffic. Emails also offer a direct way that enables businesses to connect with shoppers.

  • Email Marketing Is Cost-Effective

Most of the small businesses run with a low budget. They usually find out ways to take benefits of the amount to reach to the targeted audience. While traditional marketing methods such as TV advertisements cost a large amount of money, email marketing that requires enough investment. If you don’t have enough in-house resources to support email marketing strategies for the business, you need help from outside.

  • It Helps in Driving Conversions

An average click-through rate of an email campaign is around 3% while the same remains through a tweet are around 0.5%. This indicates that the possibility of someone clicking through to your website through email is around 6 times higher than Twitter or any other social media app.

Email marketing is a way you should invest in to drive more traffic and grow the business successfully.

As per a recent study, around 4.24% of visitors arrive through email marketing for the purchase of something online. Whereas, the ratio is 0.59% from other social media networks and 2.49% of visitors from search engines.

Email Marketing Melbourne

Final Thought!

Small businesses should always choose the safest Email Marketing Melbourne strategies. However, we believe that email marketing can never disappoint you and your business for generating traffic and conversions.

Share your questions with us, we will be glad to help you.

