What types of pests do your pest control services cover

Termites might be small, but the damage they can cause to your home can be enormous. These tiny, wood-munching pests can silently feast on your property, causing structural damage that can be both costly and frustrating to repair. That’s why termite inspection Brisbane is crucial for every homeowner.

By knowing the warning signs of termite infestation and conducting regular termite inspections, you can catch these pests early and prevent significant damage to your home. Here are seven warning signs to watch out for:


  • Mud Tubes

One of the most telltale signs of a termite infestation is the presence of mud tubes. These pencil-sized tubes are typically found along walls, foundations, and other surfaces and are used by termites as protected highways between their nests and food sources.

During your termite inspection, be sure to check for these mud tubes in crawl spaces, basements, and around the perimeter of your home.

termite inspection Brisbane

  • Swarmers

Termite swarmers, also known as flying termites, are reproductive termites that emerge from their colonies to mate and establish new colonies. If you notice swarmers around your home, especially near light sources or windows, it could indicate a nearby termite colony.

Keep an eye out for these winged pests during your termite inspection, especially in the spring when termite swarms are most common.


  • Hollow-Sounding Wood

As termites feed on wood, they hollow it out from the inside, leaving behind a thin layer of wood or paint that can sound hollow when tapped. During your termite inspection Brisbane, take note of any areas of your home that sound hollow when tapped with a blunt object, such as a screwdriver or hammer.

Pay particular attention to wooden structures near the ground or in areas with high moisture levels, as these are prime targets for termite infestation.


  • Sagging Floors or Ceilings

Termite damage can weaken the structural integrity of your home, leading to sagging floors or ceilings. If you notice any areas of your home that appear to be sagging or buckling, it could be a sign of termite damage.

During your termite inspection, be sure to check for any signs of structural damage, such as sagging beams or joists, and investigate further if you find any evidence of termite activity.


  • Discarded Wings

After mating, termite swarmers will often shed their wings near windows, doors, or other light sources. Finding discarded termite wings during your termite inspection can indicate that a termite colony is nearby.

Keep an eye out for these discarded wings, especially in areas where termites are known to swarm, such as near outdoor lights or around windows and doors.


  • Cracked or Bubbling Paint

As termites feed on wood, they can cause paint to crack, bubble, or peel away from the surface. If you notice any unusual signs of paint damage during your termite inspection, such as bubbling or blistering paint, it could be a sign of termite activity beneath the surface.

Be sure to investigate further if you find any areas of damaged paint, as they could indicate a hidden termite infestation.


  • Frass

Frass is a termite byproduct that looks similar to sawdust or wood shavings and is often found near termite nests or feeding sites. During your termite inspection, keep an eye out for any signs of frass, especially in areas where termites are likely to feed, such as near wooden structures or crawl spaces.

If you find any piles of frass during your termite inspection Brisbane, it could indicate a nearby termite infestation that requires immediate attention.



By familiarising yourself with these warning signs of termite infestation and conducting regular termite inspections, you can protect your home from the costly damage caused by these destructive pests.

Remember to be thorough during your termite inspections and to seek professional help if you suspect a termite infestation in your home. With vigilance and proactive maintenance, you can keep your home safe and termite-free for years to come.
